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Sun Life

Sun Life Financial is a leading financial services organization headquartered in Toronto, Canada, with operations in key markets around the world.

The Sun Life Financial group of companies and their joint ventures offer individuals and corporate customers a diverse range of financial products and services that fall into two principal business areas: wealth management and protection.

Wealth management includes asset management, mutual funds, pension plans and products, and annuities operations. As of March 31, 2004, our wealth management business accounted for CDN $309.7 billion, or 84% of Sun Life Financial's total assets under management of CDN $369.6 billion.

Protection includes whole life, term life, universal life, unit-linked life and corporate-owned life insurance for individuals. As well, life, health and disability insurance products are offered to group clients. As of March 31, 2004, our protection business accounted for CDN$53.0 billion, or 14% * of our total assets under management.