An annuity contract is a written contract between you and a life insurance company. In return for your premium, the company will pay you an annuity which is a series of payments made at regular intervals. An annuity contract is not a life insurance policy or a health insurance policy. It is not a savings account or savings certificate and it should not be bought for short term purposes.
Important Information:
Types of Annuity Contracts
Annuity contracts vary in a number of ways. The following are some of the more important ways:
When Benefits are Received
Annuities may be either immediate or deferred. Immediate annuities provide income payments that start shortly after you pay the premium. Deferred annuities provide income payments that start at a later date. The main reason for buying an immediate annuity is to obtain an immediate income, most frequently for retirement purposes. The main reason for buying a deferred annuity is to accumulate money on a tax-deferred basis, which can then provide an income at a later date.
How Premiums are Paid
Annuities may be either single premium or installment premium. Single premium contracts require you to pay the company only one premium. Installment premium contracts are designed for a series of premiums. Most of these are flexible premium contracts. You pay as much as you wish whenever you wish, within specified limits. Some are scheduled premium contracts that specify the size and frequency of your premiums.
Fixed or Variable
Annuities may be fixed, variable, or a combination of both. During the deferred period of a fixed annuity contract, interest is paid on the accumulated premiums (minus charges) at a rate set by the company. The amount of each annuity payment is determined when payments begin. During the deferred period of a variable annuity, interest is paid on the accumulated premiums (minus charges) at a rate that varies with the performance of a specified pool of investments. The amount of each annuity payment also varies with the performance of the pool. Combination annuities allow you to put part of your premium in a fixed annuity and part in a variable annuity.